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At 9,718 feet, Zugspitze is the highest peak in Germany, situated in the southern part of Germany that borders Austria, in the Bavarian Alps.

Germany’s highest mountain was named after the “Zugbahnen” or avalanche paths down the mountain’s notoriously steep north face and summit.

The Schneeferner is the largest German glacier. However, this glacier has shrunk so greatly that it split into two parts long ago (Northern and Sourthern Schneeferner) and now hardly represents more than an field of ice.

The Pinnacle of Mountain Enthusiasm

Chapel of the Visitation, Highest church in Germany

Panoramic view from Zugspitze

The German Weather Service, Max Planck Institute, Fraunhofer Institute, aerials and transmitters of various establishments, and Austrocontrol, to name but a few, make use of this extraordinary location.

Panoramic view from Zugspitze

Summit Cross

Summit Cross

The summit cross was erected in 1851 after a German minister complained that the country's highest peak lacked of an ornament to mark its significance. The current cross is gold-plated, weighs 661 lbs. and is 16.01 feet tall.

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